
What are your areas of weakness? Do you know?

We are here to help you identify and rise above them!

The #1 Concern I hear is ” I need more clients!”

Coaching new appraisers in business, appraising and gems

Set smart goals for 90 days, 2 years, 3 years. Create your procedure and process from finding the client to take in of appraisal items to document delivery and follow up. Branding is more than just a logo-understand what it is for your business .

Bonus is working with an experienced appraiser of 20+ years with a business so get frre consultation on equipment, ethics and/or gems.

Coaching business with new sales associates Staff trained in gems and jewellery from an experienced gemmologist, instructor and over 40+ years in retail sales. Keep your management free to work on the businesss

-Coaching new business with goal setting and preparing business for success

We help you put your processes in place and prioritize your immediate needs!

Invest in yourself and your business – $500 a month (plus applicable taxes) and get the following personalized services:

  • 90 days of growth
  • finding the right clients
  • creating a business plan
  • create winning habits
  • one on one delivery
  • promoting your unique gift
  • weekly one on one sessions for 12 weeks
  • deep dive into your business

Why choose us!

For over 25 years, our personal approach has helped students to advance their careers!

 “Karen’s coaching style is the perfect combination of encouragement, accountability, and support. I am thrilled that Karen’s guidance has set me on the path to success!”

A. Campbell (GG, RMV )AC Appraisals 

A $500 investment brings so much knowledge your way each month to move your business to the next level. Don’t wait and miss the growth you could have!