- Canadian Gemmological Association
Gemmologist, FCGmA-Graduated 1989
Basics of Diamond Grading
Advanced Diamond Grading
Fundamentals of Jewellery Appraising
- Association of Independent Jewellery Valuers
Member (first Canadian)
- Canadian Jewellers Association
Certified Appraisal Professional CAP-CJA (Retired)
- California Institute of Jewellery Technology
RMV-Registered Master Valuer licence #0061509125
- Scottish Gemmological Association
Gemmologist, SGA
- Jewellery Valuers Association
International Member, IMJVA
Positions Held
- Canadian Gemmological Association
Tutor for the Canadian Gemmological Association 1990-2010
Board of Directors, Secretary 2008-2012
Instructor of Pre Exam Lab
Instructor of Fundamentals of Jewellery Appraising
Instructor of Master Valuer Appraising Program
Instructor-Accelerated and JAGS Gemmology
Instructor- Diamond Grading Program
Workshop Co-Ordinator, CGA Conference 2014
Chairperson-CGA Conference 2017
Chairperson-Executive Committee -2017-2020
- Canadian Jewellers Association
Committee member -Education committee 2020-2021
KC Appraisals and The Language of Gems
Owner and Appraiser 2002-present
Owner and Instructor 2018-present

Karen Howard, FCGmA, RMV, CAP-CJA in Canada, has worked in the Jewellery Industry since the late 1980’s and commits herself to upholding and adhering to the Code of Ethics as set out by the Canadian Jewellers Association and the Association of Independent Jewellery Valuers, of which she is the first voted in Canadian member. She worked in the past with the Canadian Gemmological Association as an instructor to maintain high levels of learning in Canada. She now offers coaching for the Appraisers and teaching of all levels through her own business The Language of Gems.
Karen attends conferences in Gemmology and Appraising in order to maintain her network of world contacts, but more importantly to ensure the most up to date knowledge in her chosen profession. Over the last few years Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Chicago, Scotland and England have been visited by Karen to acquire the information needed to maintain her high standards of professionalism.